Certification - Food

What is HACCP?
HACCP or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point is an internationally recognized system for reducing the risk of food safety hazards. A HACCP System requires that potential hazards are identified and controlled at specific points in the process. The hazards include:
- biological,
- chemical, and
- physical hazards
HACCP standard in Malaysia is the Malaysian Standard, MS 1480. Any company involved in the manufacturing, processing or handling of food products can use HACCP to minimize or eliminate food safety hazards in their product.
HACCP is based on seven principles:
- Conduct a Hazard Analysis
- Identify the Critical Control Points
- Establish Critical Limits
- Establish Monitoring Procedures
- Establish Corrective Actions
- Establish Verification Procedures
- Establish Record Keeping Procedures
Implementing a HACCP System requires that both Prerequisite Programs and HACCP Plans are implemented.
- Prerequisite programs are programs that are put in place in the facility to control hazards in the environment, preventing contamination of the product. Prerequisite programs ensure a hygienic environment, and good manufacturing processes for personnel that reduce the risk of contamination of the food product.
- HACCP Plans are prepared for each process or product and identify possible hazards and controls in place to make sure the hazards are eliminated or controlled to ensure acceptable levels in the food product.
- Benefits of HACCP
- Current version of the HACCP
Benefits of HACCP
The main benefits of HACCP certification is SAFEFOOD in that it:
- Saves your business money in the long run
- Avoids you poisoning your customers
- Food safety standards increase
- Ensures you are compliant with the law
- Food quality standards increase
- Organises your process to produce safe food
- Organises your staff promoting teamwork and efficiency
- Due diligence defence in court
Current version of the HACCP
The current HACCP certification in Malaysia is the MS 1480:2019 certification which was published on 3rd January 2019. The MS 1480:2019 consists of the HACCP guidelines based on the seven principles and comprises of eight sections. The first three sections represent the scope of the standard, its normative references as well as the terms and definitions, and the other five sections contain the requirements for the MS 1480:2019. The remaining five sections are as follows:
Section 4: General Requirement – This section specifies the general requirements for the HACCP system which includes establishing the food safety policy and objectives, assigning of responsibilities and authorities including that of the HACCP team, food safety related competency and awareness, requirements for product description including the product intended use and potential abuse or unintended handling of product by consumers and requirements for the food establishment process flow.
Section 5: Pre-requisite Programmes – This section specifies the requirements for the food establishment to implement Pre-requisite Programmes (PRPs) in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practices standard MS 1514 before HACCP system is established. PRPs include cleaning & sanitation programmes, maintenance programmes, personal hygiene practices, facilities and their design, operational control etc. Other guidelines or documents can be used where relevant for implementation of PRPs such as Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice (COP), and other national and industrial guidelines.
Section 6: HACCP System requirements – This section specifies the HACCP system requirements for establishing HACCP system procedures and HACCP plan based on the seven HACCP principles:
Principle 1 ~ Identification of hazards and determination of control measures
Principle 2 ~ Determination of Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Principle 3 ~ Determination of critical limits for each CCP
Principle 4 ~ Determination of monitoring system for each CCP
Principle 5 ~ Determination of corrective actions for each CCP
Principle 6 ~ Determination of verification procedures
Principle 7 ~ Documentation and record keeping
Section 7: Operation, maintenance and improvement of the HACCP system – This section specifies the requirements for the implementation and maintenance of processes needed to ensure the continued effectiveness of the HACCP system. It specifies the requirements for non-conforming product controls, traceability system, product recall and notification practices, control of measuring equipment and methods used for CCP monitoring, and the requirements for maintenance and improvement of the HACCP system.
Section 8: Application of the HACCP system – The final section of MS 1480 specifies the requirements on the application of the HACCP system, whereby, the application of seven HACCP principles shall follow as outlined in the following logic sequence:
Step 1: Get management commitment & Set Food Safety Policy/Scope/Objective (Clause 4.1)
Step 2: Set up the HACCP Team (Clause 4.1.2)
Step 3: Describe product (Clause 4.2)
Step 4: Identify intended use (Clause 4.3)
Step 5: Construct Flow Diagram and On-site verification of Flow Diagram in relation to plant layout (Clause 4.4)
Step 6: Develop HACCP plan (Clause 6.3)
Step 7: List all potential hazards, Conduct a hazard analysis & Determine control measures (Clause 6.3.2)
Step 8: Determine CCPs (Clause 6.3.3)
Step 9: Establish Critical Limit for each CCP (Clause 6.3.4)
Step 10: Establish a Monitoring System for each CCP (Clause 6.3.5)
Step 11: Establish Corrective Action for Deviations that may occur (Clause 6.3.6)
Step 12: Establish Verification Procedures (Clause 6.3.7)
Step 13: Establish Record Keeping and Documentation (Clause 6.3.8)
Step 14: Review HACCP Plan (Clause 8)